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Seeing the wood from the trees

How often in life is there so much noise in your head you can't hear the whisper of truth from your soul? This week I experienced that big time and suddenly couldn't see the wood from the trees. My instinct…

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The amazing Sats and the ethereal Jai Jagdeesh

Sat Nam, What an amazing week to be involved with the Kundalini Community! On Thursday night my teachers Sat Sarbat and Sat Mukh shared their incredible wisdom and light and they taught us a workshop tapping into our authentic selves.…

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Kundalini Yoga - Sunny Field

Time out

Sat Nam, Welcome to April! How quick is this year flying! It's been quite a hectic start to the year for me, so much happening. In light of this I felt it was time to show myself some compassion and…

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April Astrology with Zoe

April begins with the fire power of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and so April is a great month for new beginnings. The Aries energy is all about action. Jumping in where angels fear to tread…

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Finding time for ‘me time’

Sat Nam, I often hear people say things will be right once they get through this issue or finish that project or get past some drama. Here's the thing life doesn't stop when one issue ends as there's bound to…

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Full moon class and Yogi Maya is back!

Sat Nam, Early Monday morning Sydney time we have a full moon in Virgo. Full moons for me represent completion of a cycle. Throughout life we have lots of cycles big and small all working towards achieving goals and this…

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