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Daring Greatly!

Sat Nam, ?Happy full moon in Scorpio.  Can you feel the intensity!  This moon is all about feeling, so on that note I want to talk about vulnerability. ❤️I watched Brené Brown on Netflix last night in her doco A…

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Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️

Sat Nam, Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mums, foster mums, fur mums, adopted mums and anyone who takes amazing care and nurturing of another human being.  This and every day is your day so stop and give yourself…

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Honour your space

Sat Nam, ?Want a cool tip to keep yourself on an even keel?  Honour your space. ?Have you ever noticed there’s a pause just after you complete an inhale and one just after you complete an exhale.  This pause creates…

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Happy Easter! ❤️

Sat Nam, Happy Easter!  May your colours stand out and always be found! Hope you’re having a relaxing break and the Easter bunny was good to you. My regular Monday 9.30am class is on for the public holiday, so if…

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Remember to recharge yourself!

Sat Nam, ❤️Ah Sunday’s, as Nirvana famously sang they could be everyday for all I care! Sunday’s to me have always been a day of rest and rejuvenation from the past week gone by ready for the new week ahead. …

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