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Freedom is an inside job

Sat Nam, How’s everyone going with isolation? I’ve been colouring, knitting, cooking, reading, yogaing, walking, teaching, writing, phew that sounds like a lot and I still have loads of time on my hands!  ? I’m actually enjoying this slower paced energy…

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Having a sense of urgency and no place to use it..

Sat Nam, How’s everyone doing? I’ve been busy cooking up a storm, colouring and cleaning my house with my new Dyson.  (Best vacuum. I swear I’ll never look back! ?). I’ve also been enjoying much needed downtime, walking, yoga and…

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We’re all in this together..

Sat Nam, What crazy times we are in! I started the week working in a contract role, I had a new permanent role to go to, swims at the beach, teaching yoga to students and by the end of the week I was…

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Your Practice is just that, Practice..

Sat Nam, Why do they call yoga a practice?  What are we practicing for?  To be more flexible, sing mantra better, be a better yogi on our mats? ❌No. ✅We practice on our mats to prepare us to deal with…

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Sitting with the uncomfortable is where the growth lies…

Sat Nam, I’m one of those people who historically avoided discomfort.  I avoided being hurt, pressure, commitment, those difficult conversations, confrontation, rejection and ultimately love because all of these things took me to a place of uncomfortableness where all my…

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Yoga is not just physical exercise…

Sat Nam, I was talking to someone the other day and they asked me why I thought yoga was so transformative after all it’s just physical exercise... I explained that it so much more than just physical exercise.  The postures,…

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