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February Astrology with Zoe Yelds

February is truly a mixed bag of planetary energy with the eccentric, rebellious energy of Aquarius stirring the pot. The month begins on the 1st with the full Moon in Leo. This Moon energy will ask us to have fun…

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January Astrology with Zoe Yelds

As I look into the planets for the start of 2018 I am excited by the possibilities of the energy for the month and also the year ahead. I believe if we can use the energy flow available to us…

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November Astrology with Zoe Yelds

November begins with the Halloween and Day of the dead celebrations, amazing energy for the Sun in Scorpio. This celebration brings the spirits of the underworld into the upper world. We celebrate those that have passed, death & dying &…

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September Astrology with Zoe Yelds

As we jump into September we are now entering a new season shift on the Earth. Spring in the southern hemisphere and autumn in the northern hemisphere. It’s a time of duality of light and dark. This means on an…

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August Astrology with Zoe Yelds

This month is set to be one of the most dramatic months of the year with some major astrological events. It will surely be a month to reveal to us some truths and also call on us to step into…

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This month’s Astrology with Zoe Yelds

We begin July with The Sun, Mercury and Mars all in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Cancarian energy is often I think a misunderstood energy as it doesn’t resonate well with the set up of our modern society. What…

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June Astrology with Zoe Yelds

June begins with the Sun in Gemini. When we look at where the energy of the Sun is focused, we feel invigorated & the energy is heightened. Gemini relates to the intellect or our brains & so when the Sun…

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April Astrology with Zoe

April begins with the fire power of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and so April is a great month for new beginnings. The Aries energy is all about action. Jumping in where angels fear to tread…

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December Astrology with Zoe Yelds

The beginning of December starts with the fire energy of Sagittarius. This energy is an active energy of exploration & discovery. The Sagittarius energy is said to be one of the most optimistic energies of the zodiac, as it is…

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