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The Negative Mind, when in balance, its a good thing!

Sat Nam,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break and you’re enjoying this long weekend.   I know I ate way too many Easter eggs! Lol! 

This week we continue our journey through the Ten Bodies and we embark on the first of the three minds, The Negative Mind. Contrary to popular belief the negative mind, when in balance, is a good thing.

I was talking to Bridget about my negative mind being very strong and saying that I’m quite a fearful person which I am.  Bridget doesn’t see me as fearful because I get myself out there.  The thing is, I know I’m a fearful person but I’m also courageous as although my negative mind points out all that could go wrong and that can be really scary, when its right for me I give it a go.

Prior to Kundalini Yoga my negative mind ruled the roost.   I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety where my negative mind was out of control and was finding danger where there wasn’t any.  Getting on a bus, something that posed no danger, in my mind was terrifying.

On the plus side my negative mind is a great protector as it works like life insurance and points out all the possible risks that I can avoid and this has kept me in good stead with work and life but out of control it became debilitating. 

What I realised when I learned about my body, mind and energy is I have a very sensitive nervous system and a strong negative mind and this can cause me to easily tip out of balance.

Kundalini Yoga works strongly on balancing the nervous system, clearing heavy energy such as fear and calming the mind so I could see the wood from the trees.  Meditations such as the Kirtan Kriya where I am repeating the mantra and using a moving mudra is one of the tools I use to calm my negative mind when it gets out of control.

I look back at where I was when I started this yoga, someone who couldn’t get on a bus to someone who is free from the clutches of a debilitating mind to do all the things I want to do.  It’s liberating! 


Regular Kundalini Yoga Classes:


When: Wednesdays, 6.30pm

Where: 1 Norton Avenue, Vaucluse

Book: (if your can’t see the link click into website)

What to bring: mat, eye pillow, water bottle


When: Sunday, 9.30am and Monday, 6.30pm

Where: 1 Norton Avenue, Vaucluse

Book: (if your can’t see the link click into website)

What to bring: mat, eye pillow, water bottle

See you on the mat. ❤️



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