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The Aura and Happy Holidays!

Sat Nam,

How’s everyone doing?  

This year has been nothing but twists and turns and the week leading up to Christmas is no different with the uncertainty that the pandemic brings. It’s such an important time to keep energetically strong so you can deal with what comes next and having a strong Aura is so important. So it’s timely that this week we are working on the 7th Body in our Ten Body Series the Aura.  

Last week was all about the 6th body the Arc Line which I like to think of as a force field that protects me from negative energy.  It’s the energy field that keeps out what you don’t want coming into your space from far and wide.

Your Aura also protects you from negative energy that’s more close range and it also projects your truth..

What you’re projecting to the world shines through your Aura and energetically communicates where you’re at to others.  

Your greatness and your weaknesses will both show up in your Aura and people will pick up on this even before greeting you. 

When you meet someone you already have an idea about each other’s vibe as your both energetically assess each other through your Auras. 

Your Aura is also known as the 8th chakra and if strong it will project up to around 9 feet from your body and it reflects the energy and colours of all your chakras like a rainbow.  When all your chakras are strong the Aura is strong and will radiate to protect you and project your truth. 

Kundalini Yoga is like housekeeping for your energy as is energetically cleans and clears your chakras so you radiate strongly. 

Notice what you attract into your life and what you project out, it will tell you a lot about how your Aura is working for you. 


I am so excited for our beautiful radiant body retreat from 12-14 March on a magnificent property in Matcham on the Central Coast.  

This is not just a yoga retreat, this is an opportunity to nurture and treat yourself.  This property boasts 5 acres of beautiful grounds to just be.  

We will have a cooking class with Lorrae our amazing chef for the weekend who’s passion for nourishing delicious food is infectious!  Of course there will be amazing Kundalini Yoga, meditation and yummy long gong that is sure to rejuvenate and radiate your being. 

For more info go to


This week is my last class for the year as I’ll be taking a break for a couple of weeks and be back teaching in the New Year.

My class this week at Sydney Yoga Collective:

Tuesday 6.30pm

I’m also offering private Kundalini Yoga Classes and one on one consulting using the transformative techniques of Kundalini Yoga.  For more info reply to this email and I’ll send you more information.  

Wishing you a safe and joyful Christmas, Chanukah and holiday season! 🎄

See you on the mat. ❤️



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