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We’re all in this together..

Sat Nam,

What crazy times we are in!

I started the week working in a contract role, I had a new permanent role to go to, swims at the beach, teaching yoga to students and by the end of the week I was let go from my contract, my permanent role has been put on hold, my beach has been closed and I’m teaching classes over live streaming. 

Every time I go to the supermarket I’m gobsmacked at how empty the shelves are and the fear in the air is palpable.

But then I go for a walk, do some yoga and reconnect with nature and the peace sets back in.

I watch Italians singing from their balconies and making hilarious videos of how they are utilising their time in isolation and I’m laughing again.

I see people helping others, doing their shopping for them, giving them a kind smile, leaving food and much sought after toilet paper at their door and my faith in life is restored.

I always like to look for silver linings and these are mine so far through this crazy time:

❤️Kindness groups popping up on FB supporting each other

❤️Time to read, cook declutter and just be

❤️My cat is getting more of my company and she’s loving it! ?

❤️I don’t have to social distance from my cat so I can cuddle her as much as I like!  (Not sure how much she’s loving that! Lol)

❤️creative fun to relieve boredom in isolation

❤️neighbours who have never met coming together and supporting each other

❤️playing more music

❤️time to watch great Netflix Series.  I recommend Giri/Haji, it’s awesome!

❤️very funny memes

❤️a great appreciation for our freedom, toilet paper, all the things we have taken for granted

❤️We have blue skies in China

❤️Clean clear water in the Venice Canals

❤️Less pollution

❤️Singing on balconies in Italy

And so much more.

So your mission this week if you choose to accept is to write down a list of your silver linings.

There is always a silver lining, always!

We are now live streaming all classes at Soul Flow Yoga.

It’s free for existing members and $10/week for non members and there’s 32 classes a week!

Go to to sign up.

My livestream classes this week:

?‍♀️9.30am Monday

?‍♀️6.30pm Tuesday

?‍♀️9.30am Thursday

We’re all in this together.

See you on the mat. ❤️



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