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Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the path

Sat Nam,

What busy couple of weeks it has been leading up to Christmas and these bushfires have been full on.  I’ve spoken to so many people who have felt down and angry and it’s understandable.  My heart goes out to all this affected.

I’m happy to share that we ran a yoga workshop fund raiser on Friday night and raised $1,050 for Koalas in Care Inc in Taree, an amazing couple who have dedicated their lives for the past 27 years taking care of injured and sick Koalas.  They currently have 31 Koalas in their care who have been affected by these fires and are doing an incredible job.  Thanks to all who came and donated it was a wonderful evening connecting to our hearts and each other.  Wahe Guru!

This week in class I will be teaching the fifth and final Sutra in our series :

Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the path”.?

This is such a beautiful Sutra which I believe ties all the other Sutras together.  It’s about connecting to your source and from there you connect to yourself and your unique gifts and then you connect to how you can be of service to others.

Joseph Campbell talks about following your bliss and doors will open where there were once walls.

In Paulo Coelho’s book ‘The Alchemist’ the old King teaches the boy to connect to the soul of the world and when you go in search of your personal legend the whole universe conspires to help you.

There are many different versions of these teachings which come down to this; when you vibrate the Cosmos you are in harmony with the Universe and when you are in harmony with the Universe anything that your soul desires is possible.

A sure sign that you are not vibrating the Cosmos is living in fear.  Fear disconnects and to live in harmony with your soul’s path and the universe you must be connected.

Meditation, yoga and nature are some of the best ways to connect with the Cosmos.  It takes you to your Shunia point (zero point) where you are one with all.

However you connect whether it be yoga, meditation, a walk in nature, painting, gardening whatever, just keep doing it.

The planet needs your light!

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga :

?‍♂️9.30am Monday

?‍♀️6.30pm Tuesday

?‍♂️9.30am Thursday

?‍♀️8.00am Saturday (covering for Robbie)

See you on the mat.



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