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There is a way through every block

Sat Nam,

What a full in week that just was with the fires in NSW!  My heart goes out to all affected and I bow down to our amazing fireys and everyone that stepped up to help out in whatever way they could.  That’s what being a community is all about!

So this week we will be exploring the second Sutra of the Aquarian Age ‘There is a way through every block’.

I was thinking about this Sutra and what it meant to me.  Anyone who has watched the Matrix may remember the scene where the child is bending a spoon with his mind and Neo tries to do it but he can’t and the child says to him that what he needs to understand is that there is no spoon.  Deep hey!

Well as I started thinking about this Sutra I thought that’s the way through, understanding that there is no block as all blocks are what our mind creates.

So it’s about working through these blocks that our mind creates that run deep into our belief system.  Think about how one person can’t get their shit together no matter what they do because there’s always some excuse or reason for them as to why it can’t happen and another person against all odds will climb that mountain.

I’m also reading Maria Forleo’s book at the moment “Everything is Figureoutable” and she uses a similar concept that no matter what it is we can figure it out and isn’t that what moving through a block is?

What I’ve learned through both life experience and sitting on my mat is there’s always a way through, because all blocks whether physical or mental are energetic and energy is mutable.

Blocks for me are caused by trying to control the situation which creates resistance.  I learn on my mat that when I’m struggling I’m resisting to whatever we’re doing and when I surrender, I allow it to flow.

So this week we will be learning the art of working our way through the blocks we create and understanding as there is no spoon in the Matrix, there really are no blocks.

Let’s give it a go.

My classes at Soul Flow Yoga :

Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 6.30pm

Thursday 9.30am

See you on the mat. ❤️



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