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Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday and Spring Cleanse!

Sat Nam,

How nice has the weather been!  Spring is definitely in the air!  Wahe Guru! ???

And to kick off Spring we will be holding a ten week Spring Cleanse in the studio starting the first week in September based on the Ten Bodies.

The Ten bodies are;

?‍♀️The Soul Body

?‍♀️The Negative Mind

?‍♀️The Positive Mind

?‍♀️The Neutral Mind

?‍♀️The Physical Body

?‍♀️The Arcline

?‍♀️The Aura

?‍♀️The Pranic Body

?‍♀️The Subtle Body

?‍♀️The Radiant Body

They are our energetic bodies we carry with us and each has a significant purpose which we’ll learn about each week as we work on each body.

We will also have a 90 day meditation to bring in prosperity and abundance and lots of other goodies such as discounted kinesiology, energy readings and nutritional info.

It’s going to be epic! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This cleanse will be available to all members at Soul Flow Yoga and there will be a special package for non-members of

$197 for two classes per week for the 10 weeks.

That’s just $9.85 per class!  Winning! ???

So if you are over feeling




unhappy and

weighed down by the heavy energy of winter

Sign up for this cleanse and feel




abundant and


this cleanse is sure to put a kick in your step‼️

For more info reply to this email or contact Casey at and we can give you details.

This week leading up to Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday on 26 August we will be chanting Guru Ram Das in all my classes to celebrate and give gratitude to him for bringing this incredible yoga to the West..

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

?‍♀️Monday 9.30am

?‍♀️Tuesday 6.15pm

?‍♀️Thursday 9.30am

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love and blessings,


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