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The Crown Chakra

Sat Nam,

This week as we continue on our journey through the Chakras, we arrive at the Seventh Chakra in our series, the Crown Chakra, the Sahasrara (meaning thousand petaled lotus) or the Tenth Gate.

The Crown Chakra connects you to your guru within, your truth, your Sat, all divinity and is your infinite vortex of consciousness.  It plugs you in to all that is and is the source from which you came.

When connected you see the world from the eyes of the divine.  You become a seeker of the deeper questions, you ascend past your ego to your higher consciousness and you integrate spiritual teachings.  You understand that you are a divine being who is infinite, connected to all, vibrating at a pure harmony that connects you to the Rhythm of the universe and it’s infinite wisdom.

When blocked you can become tunnel visioned with limited beliefs based on your five senses and religious dogma.  You can become small minded, stuck in the past, attached to earthly possessions, fanatical, intellectually pushy, egotistical, finite in thinking, doomful and very primal in nature.

Having a balanced Crown Chakra relies on you being connected to all your lower six Chakras.  It is important to understand that you are spiritual beings having a human experience so you must find the balance between being grounded and connecting to the infinite all in one.  Not an easy fear as some tend to hold fast to earthy attachments whilst others walk around spaced out with no real direction.

In order to stay connected to your Crown Chakra it’s so important for you to commit to a daily conscious practice such as meditating.  Yogi Bhajan gave us 40/90/120/1000 day meditations for this reason so we integrated the habit of connecting to our source as a part of our daily lives.

Sat Kriya and Ego Eradicator are two great practices for the Crown Chakra.

We will be teaching about the Crown Chakra in most Kundalini classes at Soul Flow Yoga:

Please note there’s been lots of new changes to the Soul Flow Yoga timetable and I’ll now be teaching an extra class on Tuesday evenings at 6.15pm.

Monday 9.30am – Adette

Tuesday 6.15pm – Adette

Thursday 9.30am – Adette

Thursday 6.15pm and 7.45pm – Maya

Friday 9.30am – Sham Sundar

Saturday 8.00am – Robbie

Sunday 8.00am –  Eilish

Sunday 5.00pm Maya

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love and blessings


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