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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ??? And Launching The Power of Purpose

Sat Nam,

Happy Solstice, Happy Full Moon in Cancer, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Holidays and a Happy Happy New Year from me and my 2 year old self!  How cute am I!  And how gorgeous is my mum!  I can remember it was around this age that I first fell in love with yoga.  As soon as Swami and her afghans came on TV I’d sit myself down with my mum to do yoga with them.  It’s where I first learned lotus position and Gyun Mudra.  I also loved putting all my dolls in a circle and teaching them whatever I was into in that moment.  They would quietly sit and listen as dolls do lol! to my childlike ramblings on the ins and outs of how to do something.  

They say your purpose in life is embedded in you from childhood (I was clearly a yogi from day dot!) and as a child you have a pretty clear picture of what you want to do with your life when you grow up but the expectations of society ‘norms’, schooling and sometimes our parents veers us off course.  It’s then up to us as adults to get back on track and find and live our calling.  

Well I’m excited to share, I’ve created my new venture The Power of Purpose to reignite our childhood dreams!   I will be officially launching my new brand Adette Kagan, The Power of Purpose on 11 January just in time for all your awesome New Year Resolutions.  As part of my venture there will be a program to support clients in laying the foundations to help them achieve their purpose, one on one coaching, webinars, workshops and Wonders of the World Retreats, you guessed it, held all over our beautiful planet.  I will of course be using the brilliant techniques of Kundalini Yoga, my 20+ years experience working in the recruitment industry as a recruiter and career coach and my colourful life experience to support all facets of my new venture.

To kick things off I will be holding my first Power of Purpose workshop on Saturday February 16th at Soul Flow Yoga from 1.00pm-4.00pm so save the date.  I will work with you on developing your energetic platform with yoga, meditation and gong and I will share some fun practical exercises to put your goals in place and look at ways to move forward.  This workshop is sure to  ignite your calling within. 

I am also holding luxury Power of Purpose retreats in both Byron Bay and Thailand next year and will have more details on that soon. 

For more info on any of this please reply to this email and I’ll fill you in. 

I am teaching a special Christmas class 9.30am Monday on Christmas Eve and will even wear my Santa hat and sing carols to celebrate.  I will be then taking 2 weeks off over Christmas and New Year and will be back for my 9.30am Monday morning class on 7 January.  Sonya will be covering my classes in the break. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and wish you all a safe and joyous Christmas and a fantastic New Year cause 2019 is going to be epic!! 

See you on the 2019 mat! ?❤️

Big Holiday Love to you all,


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