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Summer Solstice and a Full Moon in Cancer!

Sat Nam,

Just over a week until Christmas and we have summer solstice and a full moon next Saturday night!

This full moon will be falling in Cancer which is my sign so I’m pretty excited!  Cancerians are ruled by the moon so full moons always seem to affect me, but a full moon in my sign will be a double whammy!  This moon energy is all about nurturing, intuition, family, loyalty and security so it’s pretty yummy energy to have floating around us this holiday season.  

As the moon is feminine energy and the sun is masculine energy, this full moon in Cancer is also the perfect energy to bring balance and compliment the powerful summer solstice energy which in Kundalini Yoga is celebrated as one of the most powerfully energetic days of the year.

Solstice means ‘Standing of the Sun’ and Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.  It’s when the powerful energy of the sun is at its strongest and this day is revered by many cultures as one of celebration and gratitude for all we’ve achieved in this past six month cycle.  It’s a time to reflect and acknowledge how far we have come and to harness this powerful energy and put into action where we want to go.  Essentially we’ve done the hard yards, now’s the time to reap our rewards!

To celebrate here in Sydney, on Saturday 22 at 6.30pm we have the amazing Kathryn McCusker of KM Yoga teaching a special Solstice workshop at Soul Flow Yoga.  Those who have experienced her classes will know how exciting this is and for those who haven’t, trust me she is an incredible teacher with beautiful energy.  If you are around don’t miss this one, it’ll be a fantastic night and a perfect way to celebrate.  This will be a full house so make sure you book at

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

9.30am Monday

12.15pm Wednesday

9.30am Thursday

See you on the mat. ❤️??



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