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Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times and Spring Equinox Workshop with Maya!

Sat Nam,

Happy Spring!  What incredible weather we have been having.  I’ve been enjoying early morning walks, watching the sunrise and sitting down at the beach soaking in the Spring warmth. 

This week I would like to talk about the fourth Sutra that was given to us for the Aquarian Age; Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times.

We are taught in yoga that the Piscean age was all about the individual person’s needs and it created a divide of illusion that each of us were separate from each other and nature.  The Aquarian Age which we are transitioning into now will be a time when the illusion of division will fall, we will unite as a planet and see that we are all connected to each other. 

The transition into the Aquarian Age was predicted to be full of unrest including, war, climate issues and divide as the planet rises to unite as one.   We are seeing this very clearly now.

So why was this Sutra given to us?  Compassion comes from the heart.  It connects us to every living being.  It unites us.  

Understanding through compassion never includes the words “but”, “what about”, “at least”, “you shouldn’t have” nor does compassion try to deny, justify, belittle, condescend, compare or try to fix.  

Compassion says “l’m sorry for your pain”, “I feel your pain”, “I see you”, “l hear you”and “I’m standing with you”.  

What I’m seeing right now in the world troubles me greatly.  There is a tidal wave of hate, division and selective humanitarianism, where one group of people, or a certain human being is deemed more worthy of compassion than another.  When one person is shown compassion for the huge amount of trauma and pain they are experiencing, some people feel the need to say yes that’s sad but what about or worse they don’t deserve compassion at all? This is not compassion.  Selective compassion equals lack of compassion because compassion doesn’t discriminate, deny or disregard someone’s pain as not being worthy or diminish the pain of one person by highlighting the pain of another.  

Selective compassion and selective humanitarianism is a cancer on all of humanity.

These times are about uniting us as a planet and as in all growth there is polarity in order for us to learn.  The lack of compassion, the hate and division we are now seeing is that polarity and we have a choice to fall down that rabbit hole or ask ourselves what kind of planet do I want to live on and what kind of human being do I want to be.  If it’s one that wants a planet of peace and a connected humanity then understanding through compassion is the first step. 

Compassion connects us to each other, like oxygen, we need it to survive. 


Spring Equinox with Yogi Maya!

I’m excited to share that Maya will be running a beautiful Spring Equinox Workshop for us to enjoy.

Spring is a time of new beginnings, it’s the blossoming of life and new ideas.  It’s a time for growth and expansion.  Maya’s workshops go deep and always bring so much love and learnings whilst practising this amazing yoga and falling into a blissful relaxation to her hypnotic long gong bath.

When: 2.00pm, Sunday, 22 September  

Where: Prue’sbeautiful home (address to be confirmed on booking) and on Zoom

Investment: $50 in person, $30 online

What to bring: mat, covering, water bottle 

We only have space for 10 people in person so please message me if you would like to join.


I’m still on a break and will be back in October with both in person and online classes.  Until then beautiful Prue is covering my class and her classes are being enjoyed by our students.  She’s a wonderful teacher!

When: 6.30pm, Tuesday

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay

Investment: $25

What to bring: mat, covering, water bottle

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  Please message Robbie at for details.

See you on the mat. ❤️



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