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“Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times”

Sat Nam,

This week we will work on the fourth Sutra in our series “Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times”.

This a such an important Sutra to master and not an easy one.

It has been taught that the Aquarian Age which we are now in is a time when the planet will unite as a global community.  It was also predicted that as we move into this age the world would be full of unrest and turmoil.  We are seeing this clearly in current times.  

Compassion connects and breaks down barriers.  This Sutra was given to us to remind us to connect to each other through compassion not allowing the insanity of the world to wear down our humanity and divide us against each other. 

Compassion comes from the heart and it doesn’t discriminate.  It doesn’t pick who’s deserving, it is either there or it isn’t.

This is not easy because we have our own experiences and view points that affect our perspectives and how we think and feel.  It also starts with us having compassion for ourselves which can also be challenging, as humans we tend to be our own worst critics. 

When you master having compassion for yourself you are able to put yourself in another’s shoes and sit with them in their pain and emotions without taking it on as your own or trying to fix it, just allowing them the process of healing.

Compassion can be hard especially in current times so start by being kind.  Kindness also breaks down barriers and connects us as human beings.

I believe global peace starts with each and every one of us doing our part to bring peace to ourselves, in our homes, neighbourhoods, communities and acts of kindness are a great way to start.  Be kind to yourself and the people you interact with.  This practiced enough can have a knock on affect throughout the planet and peace can only come through peace. 

This week we will be working on a beautiful heart centred Kriya to connect to your beautiful hearts of gold. ❤️

Kundalini Classes with Adette

When: Tuesdays, 6.30pm

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay and on Zoom

Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class

Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 078932879

Or by PayID 0414349451

Bookings or for more details please text 0414349451 and please contact me to book into each session. 

What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow

Prue is away for a month but will be back mid August to teach her regular Friday, 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Prue on for details.

Elizabeth is teaching regular Sunday 9.30am class at My Asana in Vaucluse.  Bookings on Mind Body. 

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  She will be taking a break through the July school holidays, so please message Robbie at for details.

Sita Devjot Kaur is away overseas and the Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay will be on hold until further notice.  Message Sita on her Instagram @sita.devjot.kaur for details.

See you on the mat. ❤️



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