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“There is a way through every block”

Sat Nam,

This week we are working on the second Sutra in our series, “There is a way through every block”.

A block essentially is an illusion.  I remember watching the Matrix and in the scene where Neo goes to see the Oracle there is a child bending a spoon with his mind and when Neo asks him how he does it the child says, “Do not try and bend the spoon; that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… there is no spoon.”

This is essentially the truth about blocks.  When we are in resistance to anything it becomes a block.  When we surrender and let go of resistance, the block disappears and we realise there is no block, the block is the resistance of our mind.  It’s our resistance to the perceived block that makes it a block.

Emotions such as fear, anger, holding a grudge are examples of heavy energy that create resistance and blocks. The transition into the Aquarian Age was predicted to be a time of great unrest, full of fear and anger and this Sutra was given to us to remind us that the way through every block is to surrender to it, let go of the resistance and a way forward will appear.  It may not be the way forward you envisioned but it will be the way forward that takes you were you need to go.

Kundalini Yoga is a great tool to teach you how to surrender to blocks.  When in a difficult pose, at first there may be some resistance from your mind, “this is hard”, “it hurts”, “I can’t do this”.  It’s when you surrender to the pose and allow whatever is there to be there, “I am doing this” that is when resistance to the pose disappears and so does the block.  You can feel an ease set in, that you didn’t realise before when you were in a state of resistance.  This is how we move through blocks.


Kundalini Classes with Adette

When: Tuesdays, 6.30pm

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay and on Zoom

Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class (text me on 0414349451 for details) 

Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 078932879

Bookings via texting 0414349451 and please contact me to book into each session. 

What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow

Prue is teaching a regular Friday, 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Prue on for details.

Elizabeth is teaching regular Sunday 9.30am class at My Asana in Vaucluse.  Bookings on Mind Body. 

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  Message Robbie at for details.

Sita Devjot Kaur is away overseas and the Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay will be on hold until further notice.  Message Sita on her Instagram @sita.devjot.kaur for details.

See you on the mat. ❤️



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