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“Recognise the other person is you.”

Sat Nam,

Happy Winter Solstice!   Winter Solstice is a time of reflection.  As the animals go into hibernation we go into our own version where we go within and discover the seeds we want to plant to blossom in the Spring. 

I always think of a verse from the Bette Midler song the Rose:

“Just remember in the winter,

far beneath the bitter snow,

lies the seed that with the sun’s love

In the spring becomes the rose.”

This week we start a new series The Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age:

✨Recognise the other person is you

✨There is a way through every block

✨When the time is on you start and the pressure will be off

✨Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times

✨Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos will clear a path

The Piscean Age which was basically all about “me”, how do I fend for myself, created a huge divide between races, gender, religion, sexuality etc and also created the illusion of separation from nature and from one another.

The Aquarian Age that we have now entered, is all about “we”, the reality that we are all one, how do we take care of each other and nature and unite this planet as one human race despite our differences.  

The transition into the Aquarian age was forecasted to be one of great unrest with, wars, disease and natural disasters.  This is what we are now seeing play out across the planet.

Sutra basically means words to live by and these Sutras were given to us to remind us how to navigate this difficult time.

We begin by working on the first Sutra “Recognise the other person is you”. 

It couldn’t be a more important time to practice this Sutra.  This Sutra was given to us to unite us as human beings.  

102 year old Holocaust Surviver Margot Friedländer says “Look not toward what separates us. Look towards what brings us together.”

By recognising the other person is you, you look at what’s the same and by looking at what’s the same rather than what is different you connect and unite with others.

Recognising the other person starts with recognising yourself.  It’s hard to see what’s the same in others if you don’t know yourself. So start by recognising yourself and the more you know yourself the more you’ll recognise yourself in others and realise we are all the same, we just have differing paths.  

As the saying goes “all roads lead to Rome” and all roads lead to the universal truth of love and that’s all of our ultimate destination. ❤️


Kundalini Classes with Adette

When: Tuesdays, 6.30pm

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay and on Zoom

Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class (text me on 0414349451 for details) 

Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 078932879

Bookings via texting 0414349451 and please contact me to book into each session. 

What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow

Prue is teaching a regular Friday, 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Prue on for details.

Elizabeth is teaching regular Sunday 9.30am class at My Asana in Vaucluse.  Bookings on Mind Body. 

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  Message Robbie at for details.

Sita Devjot Kaur is teaching a regular Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Sita on her Instagram @sita.devjot.kaur

See you on the mat. ❤️



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