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8 Week Chakra Series and Special Super New Moon Eclipse in Aries Class!

Sat Nam,

On Tuesday morning at 4.20am Sydney time we have a Super New Moon Eclipse in the warrior sign of Aries.  I was reading about this eclipse and it’s one to create big change.  It has been described as the Quantum Leap into a new beginning being that it is not only in the new energy, beginning cycle of the moon but also in the new energy, new beginning cycle of the astrological wheel being in the first sign of Aries.

Eclipses take us from dark to light so there’s work to be done to move through any heaviness that you may be carrying, as this heavy energy blocks the light needed to create fresh new experiences.  

This is a great time to hold space for clearing and opening, through, yoga, journaling, meditation and breath work.  The heart knows what the heart wants and it will guide you to the next chapter, all you have to do is break down the barriers that are holding you back from getting there. 

This Tuesday as we start our 8 week Chakra Cleanse it will also be a special class to honour this powerful eclipse, with a powerful meditation to clear through any fears for the future. 

Now a little about the Chakra series: 

The Chakras are:






🟣Third Eye



The Chakra’s are our energy centres that run up our spine.  It’s super important to keep them clear and open as this is what balances and optimises your energy to allow you to be the best versions of yourself. 

Each week you will learn about the purpose of each Chakra and the best way to clear and open them.   Kundalini Yoga is a powerful tool to clear blocked energy and we’ll be using breath, postures, meditation and mantra that benefit each chakra. 

We will also learn how to read our Chakras to see where the blocks are occurring.  

This week we will work on the Root Chakra.  The Root Chakra is our energetic foundation and is where our energy for security and steadiness on this planet lie.  It’s what keeps us grounded, is associated with our earthy wellbeing such as family, finances, home, food, career etc and if out of balance can hold a lot of fear.  I like to think of the Root Chakra as the germinated seed of our tree, rooting us into the earth we live on. 

Kundalini Yoga is great for clearing this Chakra and we use postures like squats, wide leg life nerve stretch and crow pose to help clear through any energetic constipation that may be held there.  Chatr Chakr Varti is also a beautiful mantra to listen to that moves through fear. 

I will be offering an eight week in person package of $175 if you would like to sign up for all the series before it starts.


Kundalini Classes with Adette

When: Tuesdays, 6.30pm

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay and on Zoom

Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class (text me on 0414349451 for details) 

Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 078932879

The 8 week in person package for the Chakra cleanse is $175 and must be paid prior to the first class.

Bookings via text and please contact me to book into each session. 

What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow

Prue is teaching a regular Friday, 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Prue on for details.

Elizabeth is teaching regular Sunday 9.30am and Monday 6.30pm classes at My Asana in Vaucluse.  Bookings on Mind Body. 

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  Message Robbie at for details.

Sita Devjot Kaur is teaching a regular Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Sita on her Instagram @sita.devjot.kaur

See you on the mat. ❤️



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