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Happy Full Moon in Virgo and Forgiveness

Sat Nam,

Last night we had a full moon in Virgo that peaked at 11.30pm and it was all about forgiveness. 

So why is it so important to forgive?

Forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of others it allows us to let go of grudges and hurts and to clear the runway so to speak so we can move forward in life with grace and take off.  Its energy comes from the heart whereas holding a grudge is heavy energy that blocks us and comes from the ego. 

I’ve been in situations and I’ve also had friends and students come to me saying I can’t forgive as it hurt me too much, it’s unforgivable what they did, if I forgive it means I condone what they did. 

Forgiveness is simply letting go of the attachment of debilitating emotions like anger, resentment, hate etc that can fester inside of you and block expansion of your being. 

The Hawaiian Art of Forgiveness Hoʻoponopono which means correctness is about taking radical responsibility for everything that happens in your life good or bad.  It believes we are the creators of everything that happens around us so if something bad happens we say sorry ask for forgiveness and send love.  It consists of four simple sentences.

I’m sorry.

please forgive me.

I love you.

Thank you.

A psychiatrist Dr Len working in one of the most high security wards for the criminally insane in Hawaii where patients had committed the most heinous crimes used this technique and the results were phenomenal.  This was a ward where there had been no rehabilitation, staff were scared to come to work and turn over was high.

Without ever meeting them, he performed this ritual on every patient in the ward over and over again for a couple of years and what happened was patients started to heal.  Those who were shackled started to walk around, patients who were marked never to be released were being freed and staff started to love coming to work.  They ended up closing the ward all together as there were more staff than patients as each patient Dr Len said sorry to healed.  

The premise is when we heal ourself and take responsibility for what is in our world we heal others too and we set ourselves and those around us free.

Immaculée Ilibagiza also has an incredible story of forgiveness in her book Left to Tell.  In the Rwanda massacre in 1990 she hid in a 3 x 4 foot bathroom with other women for 91 days whilst her whole family and all her friends were massacred with machetes by her neighbours, teachers and friends.

In the beginning she hated them and could feel how her body was reacting with pain, contraction and resistance.  Through her faith in God she focussed in that bathroom to forgive them and when she was finally freed she had.  

She went to the prison where they held the man who murdered her family and a guard gave her a bat to do with what she wanted to the man, but instead she sat down in front of him and told him she forgave him.  

She now lives a life free of the pain of hate and has dedicated her life to sharing her story and helping others.  This is the power of forgiveness.  

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful tool to move through heavy energy that blocks forgiveness. Through, breath, postures, meditation and mantra the heavy energy of hate and anger shifts and opens space in your body for the energy of forgiveness to flow.


Kundalini Classes with Adette

When: Tuesdays, 6.30pm

Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay and on Zoom

Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class (text me on 0414349451 for details) 

Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 432565662

What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow

Prue is teaching a regular Friday, 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Prue on for details.

Elizabeth is teaching regular Sunday 9.30am and Monday 6.30pm classes at My Asana in Vaucluse.  Bookings on Mind Body. 

Robbie is teaching a regular Wednesday 6.30pm class at her home in Bellevue Hill.  Message Robbie at for details.

Sita Devjot Kaur is teaching a regular Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay.  Message Sita on her Instagram @sita.devjot.kaur

See you on the mat. ❤️



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