Sat Nam, Hope you all had a fabulous break! The weather was brilliant and i…
The Ten Bodies starting with the Soul Body
Sat Nam,
Happy Full moon in Sagittarius! Sagittarius is a fire sign and loves to seek new ideas, change, exploration and flexibility. This moon is asking you to let go of any rigidity of beliefs, opinions or ideas that don’t serve you and allow the flow of new fresh opportunities to enter into your life.
This moons also occurs the day after Venus in Cancer forms an exact trine (120° angle) with Neptune in Pisces and the moon in Scorpio, creating a “grand trine” alignment. I’ve read that “this alignment enhances the magical and mystical qualities associated with love, attraction, art, beauty, and spiritual connections.” This is a great time to get your old paint brushes out of storage, say yes to that invitation out, arrange a special date night with your person and connect in to your spiritual practice.
What wonderful energy to start our next series The Ten Bodies.
I figured as we are entering the winter months it’s a great way to get through the deep and reflective season by discovering the power of each body and how they serve you.
The Ten Bodies are:
✨The Soul Body
✨The Negative Mind
✨The Positive Mind
✨The Neutral Mind
✨The Physical Body
✨The Arc Line
✨The Aura
✨The Pranic Body
✨The Subtle Body
✨The Radiant Body
This week we will work on The Soul Body. The Soul Body is your Soul. It is infinite and is one of the bodies that lives on when your time here on earth passes. .
The Soul Body is your eternal light, essence, your truth, and your infinite self. It lives in your heart and is love, joy, colour and your foundation for everything you experience here on this planet.
It connects you to all, is a part of the whole and uniquely yours. It loves you eternally and unconditionally. It guides you, speaks to you and cheers you on. It is always in your corner and has your back. It is your best friend!
The Simpsons have a great episode where Bart sells his soul to someone and all the light leaves his life, he is joyless, has no colour, life force or love in his world. Lisa buys it back for him and he becomes alive once more full of faith, love and joy! When Bart asks her if she believes in God, she replies, “I don’t know if there’s a God, but I do know there’s something bigger than Mum and Dad combined”. That’s your soul.
Kundalini Classes:
When: Tuesday, 6.30pm
Where: The Bay Room, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay
Investment: Investment: $25 cash or direct deposit for in person class and $15 direct deposit for online class (text me on 0414349451 for details)
Bank Details: BSB 112879
Account Number 432565662
What to bring: mat, water bottle, eye pillow
Elizabeth is teaching the Sunday 9.30am and Monday 6.30pm classes at My Asana in Vaucluse. Bookings on Mind Body.
Akal Tera is away at the moment and Sat Ajeet will cover her Monday 9.30am class in Double Bay.
See you on the mat. ❤️