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The Positive Mind and New Saturday Morning Class!

Sat Nam,

Happy new moon in Taurus!  Last night we had a new moon eclipse and the energy was strong.  This new moon is all about radical new beginnings so if you’re ready to start something new, this is the time.

I love the synchronicity of timings as this week we also start work on the third body in our Ten Body series, The Positive Mind which will need to be active to harness the energy of this powerful new moon.

Think of the positive mind as your cheer leader, cheering you on, encouraging you to take good risks and opportunities presented to you. 

The positive mind is connected to the 3rd chakra, the naval and it is the doing mind.  Where the negative mind is the no mind and encourages you to stop the positive mind is the yes mind and is go go go.

When out of balance on one end of the spectrum this mind can take more work to be heard and you may not take opportunities presented to you and allow the negative mind to drown out the positive minds message.  On the other end of the spectrum you don’t have healthy boundaries and say yes to things that can cause you harm or danger and get yourself into trouble.

Have you seen the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey?  This is the perfect representation of the positive mind.  In this movie he is someone who only lives in the negative mind and says no to everything.  He goes to a seminar and the motivational speaker challenges him to say yes to everything and whilst this opens up an abundance of opportunity, it also gets him into a lot of hot water. 

Kundalini Yoga is great for working on activating the positive mind.  Through the challenging postures, breath and meditations it clears through heavy energy such as fear that stops you from hearing your positive mind.  It gives you the tools to help you become aware of your capability and capacity so you know exactly what works for you. 

With the energy of this new moon so strong, this is the perfect time to say yes to what’s meant for you, so as Nike says – just do it! 


New class alert!!!

A few of you have asked for this and I’m excited that this Saturday at 9.45am I will start my new class at My Asana.  It’s happening! 

Regular Kundalini Yoga Classes:


When: Wednesdays, 6.30pm and Saturdays, 9.45am

Where: 1 Norton Avenue, Vaucluse

Book: (if your can’t see the link click into website)

What to bring: mat, eye pillow, water bottle


When: Sunday, 9.30am and Monday, 6.30pm

Where: 1 Norton Avenue, Vaucluse

Book: (if your can’t see the link click into website)

What to bring: mat, eye pillow, water bottle

See you on the mat. ❤️



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