Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
The Naval Chakra
Sat Nam,
Happy Spring Equinox for Thursday! That was some pretty powerful energy coinciding with a full moon in Pisces, I really felt it!
This week we will work on your powerhouse, the naval, Manipura. 🟡
The naval chakra is some pretty powerful energy because it is your power, but as it has been said you are all very powerful as long as you know how powerful you are and you know how to channel your power.
The naval is where it all happens to energise all your other chakras into action and get everything you want moving. It’s your life force energy, your kundalini and it’s the energy that gets you out of bed each morning. This chakra is all about motivation, endurance and commitment.
It’s the colour yellow and is represented by the mountain goat because the mountain goat keeps on going and the naval keeps you going.
When out of balance on one end of the spectrum you have little motivation, are easily pushed around and swayed from what you believe, easily distracted, give up too easily, and on the other end you push yourself too hard, suffer burnout, will be pushy, strongly opinionated and at the extreme bullying.
In balance you are determined, committed focussed, have high endurance, you stand by yourself and your values, and you have a quiet strength that carries you through all the ups and downs of life.
Great postures for this chakra are double leg lifts, stretch pose, bicycle, and pretty much any posture where you’re working the naval. Breath of fire is a great pranayam to fire the naval up.
The beauty of the naval is the more you work it the stronger it becomes.
Kundalini Yoga Zoom Classes:
4.00pm Sunday
6.30pm Tuesday
Where: Zoom (if you can’t see link view in browser)
Investment; $10/class
BSB: 112879
A/C: 432565662
What to bring:
Mat, blanket, cushion, eye pillow, water
If you would like another online class, my friend and teacher Akal Tera is teaching a beautiful Kundalini Yoga Zoom class Saturday mornings at 7.45am.
Here’s her zoom link if you’d like to attend:
My friend and teacher Rob also has a Zoom class on Sunday mornings at 8.30am.
Here’s the Zoom link if you would like to attend:
If you have any questions or want me to send you the links message me.
See you on the mat. ❤️