Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
“Keep up and you’ll be kept up” and class cancellation.
Sat Nam,
How’s everyone doing?
Here in Sydney we are in lockdown again. It’s been a while for us so for some it’s been a real shock to the system and I’ve notice a lot of the fear responses coming up through conversations, social media and panic buying toilet paper. (Could someone enlighten me on why toilet paper?! My choice would definitely be chocolate! Lol)
What the fear comes down to in any situation is uncertainty which leads to lack of control. The ego loves certainty and it certainly (pun intended!) loves control.
The thing is nothing is certain (except that everything is uncertain) so having control of what happens outside of you is an illusion.
What you can control is how you react to a situation and that’s why the practice of Kundalini Yoga is so important.
I describe this yoga as your rehearsal for life. On the mat when challenges come up you can practice how you react to them so when they come up in life you can control how you respond.
“Keep up and you’ll be kept up” is one of my favourite sayings. It’s so important right now to keep up with your practice so you’ll be kept up through this challenging time.
There’s lots of free Kundalini Yoga online and lots of kriyas to choose from. The 3HO website has many and there’s also lots of YouTube clips of teachers around the world teaching Kriyas. I also have friends who are teaching live classes. If you would like any guidance on where to look or support please reply to this email and I’l do what I can to help.
I have another favourite saying, “Nothing remains the same, good or bad. This too shall pass.” ❤️
I have cancelled the end of my Ten Bodies series and will continue the last two bodies in September.
Stay well and I’ll see you on the mat. ❤️