Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
Happy Winter Solstice, Don’t make it your Karma and New Workshop at beautiful Botannix Studio!
Sat Nam,
Happy Winter Solstice!
This winter weather has really kicked in and it is definitely a time for going within both indoors and inside yourself.
This week I want to talk about Karma. I’m the kind of person who likes to see a balance of justice in the world and when the scales of justice are tipped in my view unfairly, I can get quite frustrated.
Last year I had a situation where I felt that way and I so wanted to say or do something to have my view heard and balance the scales. A beautiful friend gave me this advice, they said the situation is unfair but don’t make it your karma.
What great advice!
Now when something happens that I view to be an injustice or unfair before I react I think to myself will my reaction make it my karma and if the answer is yes I don’t go there.
There’s plenty of times in life where someone will upset you, you will feel the injustice of the world or a situation in your life and it can really suck, but how you respond will be all about you and the karma you bring to yourself.
Having this awareness can also save you a lot of grief and heart ache. It teaches me to let go, trust in the Universe’s plan and allow space for the Universe to do its thing.
There’s a beautiful yoga studio in Botany called Botannix. One of the previous owners is a landscape gardener and created this beautiful Balinese garden in the back yard. They removed a wall from the garage replacing it with a floor to wall window and when you do yoga there it’s like you’re in Bali!
I have wanted to teach in this space for years and I’m excited to share that Bridget and I will be hosting a Kundalini Yoga Workshop in this beautiful space.
This workshop will explore the origins, various components and the many benefits of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.
We will guide you through foundational postures, pranayama breathing techniques, sacred mantra and meditations to balance your chakras and elevate your spirit.
There will be a beautiful long gong bath to sooth and heal.
When: Saturday, 17 July, 1.00pm-3.00pm
Where: Botannix Yoga Studio,
25 Swinburne Street, Botany
Cost: $50
For information on how to book, please reply to this email.
See you on the mat. ❤️