Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, the one day of the year…
Happy Spring Equinox!
Sat Nam,
Happy Spring Equinox!
Spring Equinox is a time when day and night are equal and it’s also a beautiful time of creation as everything starts to blossom into reality including your dreams.
I was chatting to my friend who is great at bringing her dreams into reality. She was saying that she’s never really drawn up a map of where she wants to go, she’s just thought to herself that’s what I want and it happens.
I’ve practiced a lot of manifesting techniques in my time from vision boards and lists to plain begging the universe to grant me my request! Hint that one never works! Lol!
What I’ve realised is the things that I have brought into reality that are part of what I’m born to be doing here on this earth weren’t on a vision board or a list, they just evolved from me following a deep pull guiding me from within.
For example never in my wildest manifestation rituals did I visualise or ask to be a yoga teacher. Upon hearing about Kundalini Teacher Training an invisible force just pulled me towards signing up and although I was really scared I went with it and here I am today a teacher, living what I’m meant to be doing.
I feel that true creation is an organic process from within and can’t be forced through constant attention. It’s something that requires space for the universe to work its magic as you follow the breadcrumbs it lays before you.
It’s the daydreams that you get lost in when you’re not thinking about much, or the sudden idea that came out of the blue, or the suggestion from a friend that gives you goosebumps. It’s a knowing deep within you that if you listen will guide you to where you are meant to go.
Glennon Doyle who wrote Untamed (I highly recommend!) says “Perhaps imagination isn’t where we go to escape reality but where we go to remember it.”
I love that!
Having a clear flow in your energy will help you hear your soul’s calling. That’s one of the things I love about Kundalini Yoga, it clears the channels so you can allow your imagination to run wild with possibility as you become clearly aware of what it is you want.
So what do you imagine for yourself this Spring Equinox?
My classes this week at Sydney Yoga Collective:
6.30pm Tuesday
9.30am Thursday
See you on the mat. ❤️