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This to shall pass..

Sat Nam,

How’s everyone doing?

One of my mantras for life is nothing stays the same good or bad, this too shall pass.  I remind myself of this when things are shit and I’m aware of this when things are going great.

This year in particularly has been very uncertain but here’s the thing, nothing is ever certain it’s just more prevalent at the moment because with COVID-19 we can see it playing out.

I’m reading Alicia Keyes book “More Myself” and this paragraph really stood out to me.

“Nothing but uncertainty is certain.  Circumstances come together only to fall apart moments or months later.  And then, in a flash we must rise up and regain our footing.  In the rear view mirror, I now see it so clearly what escaped me then: it’s not that the ground beneath me was suddenly shifting; it’s that it’s never still.  That’s part of the work of my journey-getting comfortable with life’s groundlessness.”

Man did that hit home!  The ground is never still and it’s not, so how do you stay grounded when in reality the path is groundless?

Think of your nervous system as your foundation upon which to stand.  The stronger and more balanced this system the steadier you will feel through the ever shifting chaos of life.

That’s what I love about Kundalini Yoga, it works strongly on your nervous system.

Through breath, posture, meditation and mantra each Kriya is designed to increase your capacity for what life brings you, good or bad.  It lays the energetic platform for your foundation so like a house you stand steady and don’t topple when the winds of change move through.

Triangle pose or downward facing dog is a great posture to strengthen and balance the nervous system.  It works every muscle and cell.  You might find your body shakes in the posture.  Let it, it’s your nervous system readjusting itself.  I do this posture for 5 minutes as part of my practice.  Try it for 1 minute and build up to 5.  Stay present and be aware of how your body and energy feel.  I find it incredibly powerful and rejuvenating.

Let me know how you go.

My classes this week:

?‍♀️Tuesday 6.30pm

?‍♀️Thursday 9.30am

?‍♀️Saturday 9.30am

On demand classes will still be available with new content each week if you can’t attend.

See you on the mat! ❤️


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