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Drawing a blank so here’s a rainbow I saw this week.?

Sat Nam,

How’s everyone feeling?

I’m so enjoying getting out and about as restrictions ease.

Usually when I write my new letters on a Sunday I’m inspired by something I’ve experienced during the week.

But this week I’m drawing a blank. ?

It’s not to say nothing has happened or inspired me, because a lot has.

So why have I drawn a blank on what to write?  I realised that there’s been so much to take in over the past few months that I’ve hit overload and need some time to process.

So my tip for this week, when in overload stop and take some time to process and the inspiration will come.  Chocolate helps!  Lol!

I’m also keeping up with my yoga and meditation, because it certainly helps me to sort the wheat from the chaff.

And for a bit of hope here’s a rainbow I saw this week. ??

Not long until the studio opens back up but until then join me in class online at  All info is on the website.

I’m also running one on one yoga and coaching sessions.  If you’re interested reply to this email for a chat.

Stay well and see you on the mat. ❤️



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