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What is your truth telling you?

Sat Nam,

How’s everyone doing?

I’ve noticed even more so since the Corona Virus there’s been a lot of opinions. facts, theories including conspiracy and judgement being voiced through social media and in conversations.

Some are political, some are medical, some are general and some are voiced in the name of being awake or spiritual.

My mind has been boggled over all the differing views and at times I would start to feel confused and fearful about my future.

So how do we know what is true and what’s not true?

How do we know what to believe?

In Kundalini Yoga we always tune in with the mantra Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.  I bow to my teacher within, I bow to my wisdom within.

I love this!

Your truth is within you.

For me how I know it’s my truth is

there’s no fear attached,

❌it’s not complicated,

there’s no judgement of others if they don’t agree,

❌it’s not resistant,

I have no need to convince or push my opinion on others,

it’s not loud and aggressive,

❌my truth doesn’t hate,

My truth is simple, it just is,

It doesn’t matter who agrees with me,

✅My truth doesn’t judge,

My truth is quiet and calm

✅My truth vibrates love,

My truth brings peace.

I remember a time when I was asked why I believe in God.  This person who asked didn’t believe in God and loved to get into philosophical arguments.

I said I believe in God because it gives me peace.  I didn’t argue my reasons, I didn’t judge, I just answered simply with my truth.

What was interesting is he didn’t argue the point with me, he accepted it even though it differed from his own views.

Your truth is powerful.

Some of the tools that help me connect to my truth:





Your truth is within you.

So what is your truth telling you?

Want to keep up with your practice whilst in lockdown.  I am teaching classes online at  All info is on the website.

I’m also running one on one sessions.  If you’re interested reply to this email for a chat.

Or just reply to say hi!  I’d love to hear from you. ?

Stay well and see you on the mat. ❤️



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