Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, the one day of the year…
You have infinite capacities waiting to spring out from inside if you…
Sat Nam,
Yesterday I had a Netflix day on the couch and I was watching a movie “All the Bright Places”. It’s a beautiful movie about a boy and girl that fall in love. ?
She’s grieving the loss of her sister and has contained herself into a very small world and this beautiful boy slowly brings her back out of her shell and into the big wide world.
They share quotes with each other and he says to her “you have infinite capacities waiting to spring out from inside of you”. I love that! ❤️
It reminded me of the capacity I learn about myself on my mat which always surprises me even after all these years and I then take what I’ve learned out into life.
You know what I love about Kundalini Yoga. It hones in on your truth.
Your mind has lots of stories to tell you.
❌You’re not good enough,
❌this is too hard,
❌you’re not ready,
❌so and so is better than you,
blah blah blah.
But your heart tells you the truth about what you are truly capable of.
✅And the truth is your capacity is unlimited
it’s your mind that puts a glass ceiling on it. You just need the courage to step out and grab what it is you want!
Next time you’re on your mat and your mind says
❌you can’t do this,
❌this is too hard,
❌your not capable,
blah blah blah.
thank your mind and ask it to go out and have a coffee, you don’t need it’s advice right now and
✅tune into your truth,
✅your true capacity
and surprise yourself at how capable you really are. ?
Your mat will teach you how to quieten the mind and how to step into your true capacity.
It’s in your practice that you will learn that your capacity is unlimited and the only thing that’s been stopping you is you.
Give it a go.
?It will be life changing.
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga.
?♀️Tuesday 6.30pm
?♀️Thursday 9.30am
?♀️Friday 9.30am (covering for Maya)
See you on the mat. ❤️