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Yoga is not just physical exercise…

Sat Nam,

I was talking to someone the other day and they asked me why I thought yoga was so transformative after all it’s just physical exercise…

I explained that it so much more than just physical exercise.  The postures, breath, mantra and meditation are designed in a set to move through stuck energy, deep trauma, all the crap we lock inside.  I shared that the transformations I’ve seen in myself and students has been amazing to say the least.

They then said to me that if they identify a past trauma or an area that’s held them back why can’t they just think about it and decide to change, why do they need the yoga?

If only it were that easy!

I shared that I felt thinking about why I am the way I am and intellectualising it gives me some insight into what’s going on but yoga gives me deep awareness and the tools to do something about it in that moment in my mat. 

Your mind is strong and it’s not so easy to just decide to change a thought with little else to support you.  What Kundalini Yoga does is give you a safe space to push yourself out of your comfort zone so when the challenges arise, with movement, breath, mantra and meditation in that moment you can deal with the issue at hand, release and change the patterns that haven’t been working for you. 

Kundalini Yoga is so much more than physical exercise, it’s a technology that powerfully transforms your energy, strengthens your nervous system and gives you the gift of awareness of yourself so you have the power to change what you want to.

It doesn’t ask you to look outside for the answers it asks you to go within and this is where your magic lies.

Next time you’re on the mat take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come since starting your practice.  Compare the you from 12 months ago to the you now and acknowledge where the practice has helped you change.

Every time I do that it blows me away how much I have opened, healed and grown because of this amazing practice and my friends and family see it too.  What I’ve learned  and healed on the mat has naturally flowed into my life without me even having to think about it.

And what a blessing that is!  Wahe Guru!

My classes this week:

?‍♀️Monday 9.30am

?‍♀️Tuesday 6.30pm

?‍♀️Thursday 9.30am

See you on the mat. ❤️



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