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Sitting with the uncomfortable is where the growth lies…

Sat Nam,

I’m one of those people who historically avoided discomfort.  I avoided being hurt, pressure, commitment, those difficult conversations, confrontation, rejection and ultimately love because all of these things took me to a place of uncomfortableness where all my shit came up.

So what are the results of my avoidance? A severe anxiety and panic attack disorder.  The shit’s got to come up somehow right!

When I started Kundalini Yoga the Kriyas forced me to face my shit and sit with the uncomfortableness of my pain and fear.  It confronted me in ways I would normally avoid but I stuck to my mat and learned to sit with the uncomfortableness no matter how hard it got because I knew in my heart that’s where my growth lies.

The result my anxiety and panic attacks lessened to a point of manageable and I started to have the courage to sit with the uncomfortable situations that came up in life in order to grow.

Now this is a work in progress and last week I was again tested when I was confronted with a painful situation that made me want to run and hide.  At first my fear took over and I allowed numerous stories to play out in my head but then a wise person reminded me that emotional maturity comes from facing my fears and sitting with the uncomfortableness even when it hurts because that’s where the growth lies.

So that’s what I’m doing and I truely feel I wouldn’t have had to strength and courage to do this without all the practice I’ve had sitting with my uncomfortableness on my mat.

Your mat is so much more than a place to move your body.  It’s your space to practice being with your uncomfortableness, whatever that is for you and allowing what comes up to come up so you can grow.  It’s a place for you to flex your emotional maturity muscle, to develop the courage to deal with your shit and ultimately to teach you how to be true to your soul.

After all you can’t make a diamond without pressure otherwise you’d always be settling for coal and really, who wants that.

My classes this week:

9.30am Monday

6.30pm Tuesday

9.30am Thursday

9.30am Friday (covering for Maya)

See you on the mat. ❤️



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