Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
The Neutral Mind
Sat Nam,
This week we are working on the fourth body, and the third of our mental minds, The Neutral Mind.
The neutral mind is the voice of our soul, our inner wisdom that guides us like the beacon of a lighthouse. Yogi Bhajan says the way the minds kick in when we are presented with a situation is first the negative mind shows us what to be wary of, second the positive mind shows us what to be excited about and finally the neutral mind shows us the situation as it really is.
Both the neutral and positive minds only show us a version of the truth, the neutral mind weighs up all information and give us a realistic view, the big picture so to speak.
The neutral mind is strongly connected to our heart and our third eye. It is our meditative mind that uses all information presented to it.
It doesn’t come with anxiety or excitement, it’s the quiet voice that brings peace of mind as it whispers the truth of a situation. When this mind is strong it supports us by guiding us to make balanced and wise decisions.
It is the hardest of the three minds to hear and when weak, it allows the positive or negative minds to loudly speak over it pushing us in the directions they want to go that may not necessarily be the best move for us.
Meditation is one of the best tools to get in touch with the neutral mind. It’s when we quiet the chatter of our other minds that we are able to hear it speak it’s truth.
Start a practice of meditating three minutes a day and in the quiet listen to what your neutral mind has to say, it will never lead you astray.
Cleanse Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga
Monday 9.30am – Adette
Tuesday 6.30pm – Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
Thursday 6.30pm and 8.00pm- Maya
Saturday 8.00am – Robbie
See you on the mat. ❤️