Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
The Positive Mind
Sat Nam,
This week we’re working on the the third body in our Ten Body Spring Cleanse, the Positive Mind. ???
Have you ever seen the movie Yes Man?
Jim Carey plays a character who is deeply embedded in his Negative Mind and pretty much says ‘no’ to everything.❌
He goes to this seminar where the self help guy tells him he has to say yes to absolutely everything for a period of time. Well it leads him on all sorts of adventures and he gets to experience some amazing new things, but because his Negative Mind is no longer allowed to be active he also lands himself in a whole lot of hot water.
It’s a great movie to highlight both the positive affects of the positive mind and the negative affects when unbalanced.
✅Think of the Positive Mind as your cheerleader, getting excited and cheering you on to do all the exciting things life has to offer.
✅When balanced it’s cheers you towards great opportunities, to take take a chance, give it a go, take a risk.
When unbalanced it either has
❌no boundaries and can push you into saying yes to things that can ultimately cause you grief or
❌on the opposite end of the spectrum it allows the Negative Mind to completely take over, has walls instead of boundaries and you don’t take any chances at all ultimately existing but not living your best, full and exciting life.
This week, take time to stop and listen to your self talk and see how the positive mind works for you.
Is it
✅cheering you on and encouraging or
❌drowned out by the Negative Mind always raining on your parade.
Does it
❌push you towards unnecessary risks
or does it
✅lay healthy boundaries and light the way for new and wonderful opportunities.
✅encourage you that you can do this and you have got this?
Check in with the Positive Mind on your mat.
When you are in a difficult posture on the mat and the mind says your doing great, keep going, I’m proud of you that’s the positive mind.
If it leans towards the negative (which is can often do on the mat! Lol!) practice activating the Positive Mind by chanting ‘I can’ when taking on a challenging posture and observe how this chant affects your energy and your ability to do the posture.
You may be pleasantly surprised!
Cleanse Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga
Sunday 5.00pm – Maya
Monday 9.30am – Adette
Tuesday 6.30pm – Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
Thursday 6.30pm and 8.00pm- Maya
Saturday 8.00am – Robbie
See you on the mat. ❤️