Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

The Third Eye, The Kundalini Yoga Festival and new timetable at Soul Flow Yoga.
Sat Nam,
How was your week? I completed my 52nd trip around the sun which was epic and got given three spots to teach Kundalini Yoga at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in October, so I’m pretty excited about that!
I also booked my tickets for the third biannual Kundalini Yoga Festival in Queensland which will be awesome! There will be some amazing local and international teachers there including the beautiful Jai Jagdeesh and I’m so excited to get to experience another of her sublime workshops! If you’re interested go to the Kundalini Yoga Festival, Australia website and check out the agenda. It will be an incredible Kundalini Yoga immersion!
This week as we continue through our chakra journey, we embark on our sixth Chakra in our series The Third Eye (Ajna).
The Third Eye is basically our intuition, our sixth sense or some refer to it as your ‘gut feeling’ and it makes us aware of things our other five senses don’t pick up. Have there been times when everything looks great from the outside but something tells you things are not so great or vice versa things are looking dismal but something tells you it will be ok? Have you met someone and although they appear friendly something tells you to be wary?
It usually presents itself with a feeling, the hairs on your neck may stand up, you may get goosebumps, or notice signs sent from the Universe that forewarn you of something, get a butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach, or you may just hear a clear voice in your head guiding you.
This is the third eye speaking to you as it sees the unseen. It sees everything from the space of the neutral mind and I see it as the voice my Soul, that protects and guides me, an infinite vortex or pure wisdom that I can tune into at anytime.
“Ajna” means “to command”. Through the sixth chakra and pituitary gland we can master our minds. The third eye allows us to have a clear perception of our reality so we can fully understand our purpose in life. When our sixth chakra connection is strong, we have a reliable intuition and can see the unseen. Some people may experience visions and clairvoyance. On the other end of this spectrum, when we are disconnected from the third eye and our intuition, we can feel confused and depressed. Our mind seems “out of control” and we have a hard time focusing on any one thing. We may also hide behind intellectual analysis and reject spirituality.” Akalijas Kaur Medley
Meditation is one of the best practices to strengthen the third eye and Yogi Bhajan gave us a specific meditation To See the Unseen,” which you can google or find in the Self Experience Manual. The mantra for the third eye is Wahe Guru and this is chanted silently through this meditation.
We will be teaching about the third eye chakra in most Kundalini classes at Soul Flow Yoga:
Please notes there’s been lots of new changes to the Soul Flow Yoga timetable and I’ll now be teaching an extra class on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm.
Monday 9.30am – Adette
Tuesday 6.30pm – Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
Thursday 6.30pm and 7.45pm – Maya
Friday 9.30am – Sham Sundar
Saturday 8.00am – Robbie
Sunday 9.15am Eilish
Sunday 5.00pm Maya
See you on the mat. ❤️
Big love and blessings