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Kundalini Yoga, the mother of all yogas!

Sat Nam,

What’s the one modality  I found that transformed my life

?‍♀️Kundalini Yoga!?‍♀️

?‍♀️Kundalini Yoga is the goods!  I love it so much because it works!

?‍♀️It’s quick to transform.

?‍♀️It’s logical.

?‍♀️It works at a deep cellular level to clear out crap!

?‍♀️It peels off your armour layer by layer.

?‍♀️It feels amazing!!

I’ve been practicing this amazing technology for over 7 years and it has transformed my life from one where I was so debilitated by anxiety I couldn’t even get on a bus to my life now, free to be me, grounded, self aware and purpose filled.

I love this yoga so much I practice it, I teach it and I use this amazing technology in all my programs and the transformations my students and clients have experienced in a short amount of time are incredible!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I’ve had students and clients who

have slept through the night for the first time in ages.

Who don’t need to drink and smoke every night as they have been.

Who are more energised.

Who’s anxiety has dissipated.

Who feel calmer, happier and more at ease.

This is the magic of this yoga!?

Commit to a regular practice to

energise yourself,

Clear through the crap that has been energetically constipating you up until now.

feel stronger

✅feel Happier

✅feel More open.

For lots of free support including, Kundalini postures, meditations and breath work join my free group on Facebook ➡️ Adette Kagan, The Love your Life Movement.

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

9.30am Monday

9.30am Thursday

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love,


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