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Honour your space

Sat Nam,

?Want a cool tip to keep yourself on an even keel?  Honour your space.

?Have you ever noticed there’s a pause just after you complete an inhale and one just after you complete an exhale.  This pause creates space which is a much needed rest point for the breath to integrate before moving to its next cycle.  Without it you would basically hyperventilate and burn out.

That pause or space is required in all cycles in your life.  You pause when you go to sleep at night but you also have to be aware of pausing in your day to create space otherwise like the breath without the pause you burn out.  If you have a project, a celebration, a difficult time it’s so important to pause and take the space to connect to yourself, process, integrate, heal and clear the runway ready for your next life event.

?‍♀️Often you can forget to take the space as life can move so quickly, so this is why it’s important to have a daily practice such as mediation where the phone is put away and you pause, create space and spend time with you in stillness.  In Kundalini Yoga we have a lot of pause between the poses and this is to teach you to honour this space and allow what you’ve just experienced to integrate.

If you’re ready to take your practice and learnings to a deeper level reply to this email and let’s have a heart to heart about where you’re at.

?‍♀️My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

Monday 9.30am

Thursday 9.30am

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love,


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