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The Power Programs

Sat Nam,

January has already started off with a bang as I launched my new project the Power Programs.  This will include programs such as The Power of Purpose, The Power of Balance and the Power of Energy. 

I chose the whale for my logo as it’s so significant to me.  When I first decided I wanted to create my programs, I had just come through the end stages of healing a long period of my debilitating anxiety and trauma.  I was sitting at the beach meditating and when I opened my eyes a whale breached right in front of me and flew into the air.  I though OMG I’m the whale!  I’ve gone deep where it’s dark and scary to get my nourishment to heal and now I’m ready to rise up and fly!  That was my sign from the universe that I’m ready to go, go, go!!

From that day I took my first big step out of my comfort zone and began to create the Power Programs.  Through my extensive experience as a recruiter and yoga teacher I am now working with beautiful people to help them step into their power and create both the energetic and practical platforms from which to launch their dreams.

I’m also working with business organisations teaching their employees some Kundalini techniques including breath work, postures and meditation to bring balance to the workplace.  I worked with the call centre of one of the large banks with people who had never experienced any kind of yoga techniques before and I am so excited about how well received it was.  I  could feel the difference in energy from just one session!  

For me Kundalini Yoga is my greatest tool for sustaining my energy.  I don’t believe I would have the energy, insight and courage I require for my life’s purpose if I didn’t have my regular practice.  The technology constantly clears my energetic blocks whilst reawakening my life force so I am able to work at my optimum.

If you would like to have a heart to heart about where you’re at and what you’d like to achieve in 2019 or would like to introduce these balancing techniques to your workplace please reply to this email.  I’d love to chat with you.  

If you would like to follow my Programs, you can choose to add me as a friend and join my group Adette Kagan on Facebook, like my page Adette Kagan on Instagram and add me as a connection on LinkedIn.

Thanks to Patrice Douglas of Strong Attraction for creating my logo, I love it!

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

Monday 9.30am

Wednesday 12.15pm

Thursday 9.30am

*Please note this week will be the last 12.15pm class on a Wednesday that I will be teaching. 

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love,


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