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Happy New Year!

Sat Nam,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2019!  It’s going to be an exciting year, I can feel it!

Seven years ago yesterday, I discovered Kundalini Yoga.  It was a quantum moment that from that day forward would change my life forever.  ?

I clearly remember my first class with Kathryn McCusker .  I walked into this beautiful studio in Bondi Junction where a bunch of people sat on sheep skins with head coverings and I thought where on earth have I landed.  And then I did the class and never in my life to that date had I felt the peace that I felt after that first class.  I was hooked!  Back then I was a shadow of myself, deeply wounded from traumas I’d experienced growing up and completely debilitated from anxiety and panic attacks.  Fast forward seven years later and I am so proud of the amazing woman I have become, powerful, full of life, healthy, loving, compassionate, balanced, open hearted and almost centred as I’m definitely slightly left of the middle ?.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a very confronting process facing my dragons, a lot of crap came up that I had to heal and release but it was worth every second and as I always say better out than in!  I still have my stumbles, but these days the process of standing back up is much quicker.

I now teach this incredible technology so I can share with others what I have experienced and learnt.  I’m proof in the pudding that this yoga really works and I have watched so many other beautiful people transform before my eyes.  

I’m back teaching as of Monday 9.30am at Soul Flow Yoga.  Let’s kick off the New Year as we mean to go on, powerfully! 

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga;

9.30am Monday

12.15pm Wednesday

9.30am Thursday

See you on the mat! ❤️

Big love,


? Brendan McMullan

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