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Loved our Byron Retreat and Full Moon Fundraiser this Friday

Sat Nam,

We had a fantastic time at our retreat in Byron.  Temple Byron was magnificent as always and the incredible people who attended brought with them courage, love, openness, fun and such beautiful energy that melded together so well to form such an amazing group.  We practiced yoga, meditated, painted each other’s faces, did an incredibly powerful meditation at 11.11 on 11.11.11 and workshopped on opening ourselves to our unique gifts that make up who we are.  I loved every minute and am so grateful to our students who attended and to my beautiful friends and teachers Maya and Lisa who I am so thankful to have taught along side.  All in all a fabulous weekend!  We are already talking about holding another “Power of I Am” retreat somewhere close to Sydney so watch this space! 

Yogi Maya and I are holding a full moon community fund raising event to celebrate the full moon in Gemini this Friday 23rd at 6.30pm at Soul Flow Yoga to support our beautiful Soul Flow Studio and thank Sonya and Chibs for all the work they’ve done developing our beautiful community and space. 

Gemini is all about polarity and the full moon will be shining it’s light on the polarity we experience in our lives giving us the opportunity to find balance in between.  

We will practice a beautiful set for balance followed by dancing, meditation and a long luxurious double gong bath.  We are also excited that Marc ‘Kundalini’ Cottee will be supporting us with didge and drums.  Being that this is also the eve of White Tantra the energy promises to be electric! 

All proceeds will go back to the studio to support our community’s growth.  

This is going to be one big celebration and an opportunity for our community to come together and give a lot of love to each other and to our studio.

Booking are essential as this will pack out!

$40 online

$50 on the door

I will be away this week so am only teaching my Monday 9.30am class.  Sonya will cover my Wednesday 12.15pm and Thursday 9.30am classes.

See you on the mat. ❤️

Love Adette

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