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The art of giving and receiving and Byron Retreat

Sat Nam,

Last week we were blessed to have international teacher Guru Meher here and I attended his workshop on the Senses of the Soul.  He had us work deeply on emotions such as fear, grief, anger and shame and used some pretty powerful meditations to open us up to how these emotions affect our wellbeing.

One of the meditations he gave us was to hug ourselves.  He asked us to give ourself love and when I started this I was loving giving love to myself.  He then asked us to change our focus from giving ourself love to receiving our love and boy did my chest seize up.  I found it so much harder to receive love than to give which didn’t surprise me as receiving has been a challenge I’ve faced most of my life.  I focussed my breath on opening my heart and soon started to feel myself soften and open to the flow of love I was receiving from myself.  

What fascinated me about this meditation was until he had asked me to change my focus to receiving I wasn’t even aware that I was closed of to it.  It got me thinking about my everyday life and I realised that I’m often so caught up in giving my time and energy that I completely forget about what I’m receiving.  Giving and receiving must be an even flow, otherwise we hit empty pretty quickly and as they say you can’t pour from an empty cup.  I have now made a pact with myself to hug myself everyday and be conscious of both the giving and receiving of my love in the hug and take this awareness to the flow of the giving and receiving I experience in my everyday life.

I invite you to practice this simple meditation and become aware of how you feel in the giving and receiving. 

This week at Soul Flow Yoga in our 40 days of Wholesomeness Series  we are working on the Glandular System. This is closely connected to the Throat Chakra  so we’ll be working on our communication.

My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:

Monday 9.30am

Wednesday 12.15pm

Thursday 9.30am

I’m so looking forward to our beautiful Byron Retreat, The Power of ‘I am’ with myself, Yogi Maya and Lisa Sampson that we are holding in the magnificent space of Temple Byron in Byron Bay.  If you have never been to Temple Byron, this place is something to be experienced!  The grounds are covered in crystals, Buddha’s and fauna and the vibration of energy permeating from here is just sublime!  A perfect setting to work on discovering the true essence of our being. 

We will be working on the Power of each of our ‘I ams’ individually and collectively as a group using the transformative technology of Kundalini Yoga and meditation.  We will also share some fun activities to help us explore our Sat Nam (our truth) and help us realise our unique gifts.

As teachers we all offer our own unique gifts and insights to share with you on the journey of discovering your ‘I ams’ and the fact that this retreat will fall on 11.11 a gateway for transformation makes what we we will create as a group even more powerful! 

The retreat is non residential and we are happy to help make suggestions for accommodation near Temple Byron which is a ten minute drive from the centre of town.  We will be providing dinner on the Saturday night at one of Byron’s favourite restaurants.

This retreat is sure to book out and we’ve so get in quick! 


$390 Early Bird up until 26 October 

$490 after 26 October

$200 one day rate

For further information please reply to this email or contact

See you on the mat. ❤️

Big love, 



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