Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

The Heart Chakra
Sat Nam,
What a week it’s been with big solstice energy, lots of yoga, meditation and an awesome Solstice celebration at the studio on Thursday night!
This Solstice energy is strong and with the full moon making its appearance in Capricorn this week, the timing of us arriving at the fourth Chakra, The Heart (Anahata) in the wake of all this potent energy is a perfect time to be focusing on our beautiful hearts!
The heart chakra is where it’s thought our soul resides and is my personal favourite, because without it we would just be robots moving about. This is also why the Heart is arguably the most important Chakra of all, as when closed there is no love, compassion, kindness and without that no connection to ourselves or each other. It is the Heart energy that supports the Root Chakra to take loving care of ourselves and others, the Sacral Chakra to be colourfully creative and connect lovingly with each other through our sexual experiences. It provides purpose to our Naval in order for us to be motivated, endure and commit to our projects. With connection to our heart energy, communication from our Throat Chakra is genuine, kind, and real, our Third Eye wise and protective, our Crown Chakra infinitely connected to the universal love and through our Aura our love of our heart shines bright.
The Heart Chakra is what connects us to every other living thing and it’s what gives our lives meaning. It’s what drives us to be of service, be aware of and to reach out to others in need, be emotionally open, loving, forgiving, grateful, peaceful, compassionate, nurturing, joyful, unconditional, warm, alive, feeling and so much more! When unbalanced we may be emotionally shutdown, lack empathy, unforgiving, judgemental, mean, violent, nasty, heartless, closed, indifferent, lack understanding, needy, insecure, cold, empty and disconnected to other living things.
Without an open heart we exist in the motions of life, with an open heart we feel, connect, love- we truly live! How wonderful is that!
A great movie to watch on the subject of the heart is ‘The Power of the Heart’. It really goes deep into the vital importance of the heart and it’s amazing attributes. If you are interested, you can download a copy from iTunes.
My Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday
12.15pm Wednesday
9.30am Thursday
See you on the mat. ❤️
Big heart filled love,