Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

A Journey Through the Chakras week three – The Navel and Happy Winter Solstice!
Sat Nam,
Happy Winter Solstice!
How cold is it getting! Winter has really kicked in just in time for Solstice!
Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year and as does a lot of Mother Nature’s glorious gifts to our planet, we tend to slow down a bit as we make our way through these cold winter months.
It’s also a time for reflection on what was and what will be as we start to plant the seeds we want to manifest for our future. As we don’t hibernate like some animals and we have to still get on with our daily routines, it is also such an important time to keep up with our practice to keep our energy levels strong. More often than not many of us lose a bit of motivation and one of the things we may forego in these cold months is our practice. I know it becomes a lot more difficult for me to motivate myself to get up in the cold and go for my walk or get myself to yoga. So this week also being Winter Solstice is the perfect time to work on the the third Chakra in our Chakra Cleanse Series, the Navel Chakra also known as Manipura.
The third chakra is the colour yellow and is represented by the mountain goat because of it’s endurance. It’s our energy centre and the source of our Kundalini energy that fires us up and gives us our motivation, endurance, confidence and commitment. It’s located in the exact centre of our bodies and you can feel its pulse around the belly button. When we were in the womb we were connected to our mothers through our umbilical cords and she fed us our energy. Once the cord is cut it is up to us to energise ourselves. Remember the ad with the Eveready Bunny? He would wind right down when depleted of energy. Well if we don’t keep replenishing our navel chakra energy we do the same. I liken it to my battery pack or generator and through healthy nutrition, exercise and rest it is rejuvenated.
I will be teaching this series in all my classes. Just go to to book your spot.
I will also be celebrating Winter Solstice this Thursday morning in my class with a beautiful meditation to help us reflect on the six months that have just been and the six months to come.
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday
12.15pm Wednesday
9.30am Thursday
9.30am Friday
See you on the mat! ❤️
Love and light,