Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

8 week winter series – A Journey through the Chakras Kundalini Style
Sat Nam,
This week I’m starting a new 8 week winter cleanse series- A Journey through the Chakras Kundalini style.
Winter is a time when although we are not an animal that hibernates, our bodies slow down and our energy may become depleted over these cold months. This can cause colds, flues and other discomforts so I know for myself, it’s more important than ever to keep up with my practice. A great way to energise ourselves is through a chakra cleanse.
Each Chakra plays an important role in our lives here on earth. One can not be completely balanced without the other. As a whole when all are open and lit we are at our most conscious and energised.
In Kundakini Yoga we have eight chakra’s:
Root – Muladhara
Sacral – Svadhisthana
Naval – Manipura
Heart – Anahata
Throat – Vishuddha
Third eye – Ajna
Crown – Sahasrara
Aura. – The Circumvent Field
To kick the series off, this week we will work on the Muladhara Chakra also known as the Root Chakra.
“With the first chakra strong, trust is automatic. We trust a person to be a person. Mastering the earth element you know earth can be reshaped. Water (emotions) can be added to the dirt (old habits) and in the new flexibility with a little heat (will, challenge, and discipline) a new vessel can be made. A healthy first chakra lets change occur in steps.” – Yogi Bhajan,
This chakra is represented by the elephant and like the elephant it is grounded and earthbound. It is our foundation and represents our basic physical human needs here on earth. It’s where our underlying trust for life and our ability to live lies. Like a house which without its foundation cannot stand, for us humans without our foundation we cannot stand either. It is also where our Kundalini energy rests in its coil.
For more great info on this chakra go to:
I will be teaching this series in all my classes and Soul Flow Yoga is offering a discounted package of $149.00 if you sign up for the whole eight weeks! Just go to to book your spot.
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday
12.15pm Wednesday
9.30pm Thursday
See you on the mat! ❤️
Love and light,