Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius and new series – A Journey though the Chakras Kundalini Style
Sat Nam,
This week on Tuesday 29 May we have a full moon in the firey sign of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is a fire sign and represented by the centaur or archer. A centaur being half human half horse has the heart and mind of a human and the legs of a horse, basically a generous, loyal, loving person who likes to run free. Sagittarian traits are optimistic, generous, enthusiastic, philosophical, curious, travellers, seekers, adventurers – I’m starting to see a theme here! When the full moon falls in a sign it enhances the traits of that sign and this month we embrace the adventurer in us. At times in my life I’ve found myself wanting but fearful of the getting, this full moon ignites the fire in us so we can kickstart the getting!
So what are you wanting in your life, what have you wanted to explore and what gives you itchy feet?
As well as holding a special full moon class in my Tuesday night class, on Friday evening I am holding a full moon workshop where we will practice a Kundalini Kriya and meditation harnessing this adventurous full moon energy so we can begin exploration into our next exciting chapter.
I am also starting a Journey though the Chakra series Kundalini style on Tuesday 5 June and will be running this series in all my classes. There will be more information on that next week.
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday – special full moon class
12.15pm Wednesday
9.30am Thursday
6.30pm Friday – Full Moon workshop
8.00am Saturday – covering for Robbie
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,