Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

New Beginnings and the Power of ‘I am’
Sat Nam,
Happy Easter, Passover, Blue Autumn Moon and Easter break!
If there’s one major lesson I’ve learned in my life so far, nothing stays the same the good or the bad, so as some of you may be aware, Soul Flow Yoga have announced the sale of the studio and if it doesn’t sell by the 30 April, they will close their doors. (If you are interested in buying a studio details of the sale are on Gumtree or contact Enza at
I’ve also leaned in life that when one door closes another opens, so something new will be born, watch this space (I’ll be watching too!). Until then we have some big weeks of Yoga ahead.
This week I will be teaching my workshop The Power of ‘I am’. In order to know what we want, our mission on this planet and where we stand, we must know who we are. We will embark on a journey of exploring who we are and what exciting adventure that promises to be because there’s only one unique you on this planet full of your gifts, ideas and dreams. So as the saying kind of goes let’s embrace who we are, after all everyone else is taken and share our blessed selves with the world cause the world can use all the blessings it can get right now!
As well as my own classes and workshop this week, I am also covering Robbie’s Tuesday morning class in Double Bay and her Saturday morning class at Soul Flow.
My classes this week:
9.30am Tuesday – Double Bay
7.15 pm Tuesday – Soul Flow
9.30am Thursday – Soul Flow
6.30pm Friday – Workshop Soul Flow
8.00am Saturday – Soul Flow
See you on the mat! ❤️
Big love,