Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

“I have lived with many Zen Masters in my life – all of them cats.” Eckhart Tolle
Sat Nam,
As a teacher I see lots of students come and go to Kundalini classes. Some come once and never go again, some get into it for a time and then just stop, some then come back again and others commit to a regular practice. Each person that comes to class has their own feeling of what they are looking for. Some want the physical aspect, some love the meditation and some the chanting. They all have their own views as to what consciousness is and how to get there and sometimes it doesn’t involve the Yoga at all.
I love hearing about all the different ways people find their Zen, such as kinesiology, swimming, reiki, crystals, dance, healings, music, astrology, food and the list goes on. The way I see it all roads lead to Rome and what works for some doesn’t work for others, it’s just about finding the road that works for you.
For me personally Kundalini Yoga is the vehicle for my road. I love how the Yoga and meditation open my heart and the mantra is so soothing and it allows my energy to flow, so I may connect with myself, others and the Universe. I also love other vehicles to Zen in my life including my family, friends, relationships, reading, photography, music, walking, swimming, the beach, my cats, travel, Byron Bay, massages, socialising, nutrition and my list goes on. I learn something from all these avenues as they help me become conscious. Elkhart Tolle has a great quote: “I have lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats”. I so relate to that!
It’s through the connection I develop with myself on my mat, working on my flow of energy, my body and my mind, that gives me connection to my Zen in life.
What’s on your road to Zen?
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15 Tuesday
9.30am Thursday
See you on the mat. ❤️
Big love,