Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

Follow the Guru within..
Sat Nam,
I love the story of Rosa Parks. Getting on a bus one day she came to her limit on segregation and sat in the white section of the bus. She did this even though the consequences were guaranteed to be dire, even though many of her friends and family may disapprove for causing trouble and even though the majority of society she lived in believed what she was doing was wrong. She followed her Guru within and that decision changed history.
I’ve been thinking a bit about blind faith. For years I would attach myself to a Guru of some kind whether it be a self help expert, a mentor, a councillor, a religious leader or a yoga master in hope that they would lead me to the peace I was searching for and save me. Although I did learn allot from most of these teachers, in most cases I would become attached to them and obsess over their teachings for a while until one day they fizzled out and I’d move onto the next one. It wasn’t until I started practicing Kundalini Yoga and developing a relationship with myself that I started to trust my own inner guidance. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of awareness, it teaches us to go within and opens our hearts and energy channels so we become conscious. Each class we start by chanting the Adi Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, I bow to the teacher within, I bow to my divine wisdom within and these teachings have taught me to trust my guidance from within rather than looking for it from outside of myself. Teachers would come and go but through these teachings my faith in myself became stronger and stronger as I opened up my heart and developed a relationship with myself.
Now when my heart questions certain things instead of moving forward in blind faith I mostly listen to my wisdom and I work towards what serves me discarding what doesn’t. I question what doesn’t sit right with me (even when it may not be received well) and I embrace what does and this relationship with my Guru within has held strong. What works for some may not work for others and it’s within our own hearts where our wisdom for what serves us best lies. As Yogi Bhajan says “If you don’t go within you go without”.
So if something doesn’t sit right with you question it, if you feel the calling to do something that most others don’t, do it. Learn to listen to your Guru within and hold him/her in reverence because that’s where your truth lies.
What is your Guru within saying to you and are you listening?
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday
9.30am Thursday
See you in the mat. ❤️
Love and light,