Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

The Power of “I am”, Living your Intention in 2018.
Sat Nam,
Who are you and who do you want to be? That’s a big question for most of us.
“I am” is a powerful mantra, it is our identity. We have an infinite “I am” identity of our soul that is our existence and connected to all and we also have finite “I ams” that make up our person on this earth, some positive and some negative. In order to live our intention it’s important we focus on the “I ams” that serve the true identity of our soul so as to live our life’s purpose. For example some of the “I ams” that I tend to focus on that hinder my purpose are “I am not ready” I am scared” “I am not good enough”.
“I am” are the two most powerful words in the universe as what you say you are you will be.
Renè descartes says “I think therefore I am”. I feel there is another level to this, I feel, therefore I am. What we think and feel then determines how we are.
This Saturday, 17 February at 1.00pm at Soul Flow Yoga, 12/51-53 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, I will be holding a 2 hour workshop to explore “I am”.
This workshop will work on highlighting the “ I ams” you focus on and how they serve you, where you would like to be in your life and how to get there.
As it’s a new year and this month we have a partial solar eclipse on Thursday, it’s a pretty powerful time energetically and the perfect time to work on the “I am” we want to be living.
Let’s delve deep and find our true “I am” and set the wheels in motion to be living our intention.
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,