Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

The hero’s journey..
Sat Nam,
Happy Chinese New Year of the Dog!
Last week I was lucky enough to attend a talk with Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York and it was so interesting! For those of you that don’t know him, he founded the Facebook and Instagram page that shares stories of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, has millions of followers and has raised millions of dollars for numerous causes.
He told his story of failing college, getting kicked out of home and moving in with his grandparents, going back to college and passing with straight As and then getting a great job in finance which went well for a year, then went completely pear shaped and he got fired. He said the day he got fired was mainly a relief as he was now free. He decided that he would spend his time doing something he loved and bought a camera and took photos. He started with buildings and objects and then on a trip to New York on the subway he saw two children an African American and an Asian child both looking up at something with the same expression and had this overwhelming want to take their photo. He was scared, didn’t know the consequences of taking this photo but did it anyway and from then on he became a photographer of people. His next turning point was the day he took a photo of a lady all in green. She told him she used to wear a different colour every day then she had a really good day in green and has been wearing green ever since. He decided to share this snippet about her with the photo and from that day on he became a story teller.
For me he is the epitome of Joseph Campbell’s philosophy on “the hero’s journey”. He overcame his fear, let go of the life he thought he should have for the life meant for him, followed his bliss and his dream evolved into his purpose in this life. I love that!
It also made me realise that as long as we are doing what we love it may not be the ultimate outcome to our journey, but more often than not, it will lead us to where we are meant to be in this life. I love taking photos and teaching yoga and I’m not sure where it will lead but I know its my bliss, my Sat Nam (my truth), it’s exactly what I’m meant to be doing in this moment and I’m excited for where it may lead!
What do you love to do and are you doing it?
My classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15 pm Tuesday
9.30am Thursday
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,