Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

The fourth sutra in our series “Understand through compassion or you’ll misunderstand the times”
Sat Nam,
How’s everyone feeling after that super charged blue moon eclipse? That was some powerful energy!
This week we are taking our energy to the heart as we embark on the fourth Sutra in our series. “Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times”. This I feel is one of the most important Sutras especially for our current times.
Yogi Bhajan talks about the Aquarian Age as being a time when we go from all about “me” to all about “we”. It’s a time of global community. consciousness and most importantly love. To live in such times in harmony our hearts need to be open with a steady flow of compassion for all. Historically compassion on a global scale has been restricted to our own and/or what we relate to, but here’s the thing, compassion is not selective because it comes from love which is not selective, so compassion in the Aquarian Age is for all.
With so much turmoil, trouble, fear and anger in the world right now, compassion is an affective diffuser for this growing inferno. People from all walks are rising up and some are lashing out at each other and creating sides which also creates division. Compassion is a tool that opens our hearts and connects us to each other (even when we don’t agree with the sentiment or values of the other person), to understand and connect to where the other person is coming from. This opens communication and more often than not cools the fire.
Yogi Bhajan clarified this sutra when he said “we need to understand through compassion—instead of passion—or we will misunderstand. Passions are like tides coming and going. The mind can’t be steady because the tidal waves of passion will always take the mind up, down, and all around. Compassion is like a trade wind carrying you across an infinite ocean. Turn your passions into compassion by feeling others are you and you are others. Remove the barriers of the egocentric self and feel the self in all. All is one and one is all. It is only when you come from your heart that your words can penetrate every heart. When a being becomes totally a being of compassion, then his words can shake every heart, they penetrate. It is the touch of the hand, a spoken word and the contact of the eyes which open the heart of the man, not the knowledge of all the libraries in the world.” – Yogi Bhajan
What does compassion mean to you??
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
See you on the mat! ❤️
Love and light,